Fullsatt! Migration och social mobilitet, 4-5/10
Bertil Ohlininstitutet och European Liberal Forum ordnar 4-5 oktober i Malmö en konferens kring liberal migrationspolitik. Konferensen är nu, med drygt 100 deltagare från tio EU-länder, fullbokad.
Konferensen kommer att gå att följa genom webbsändning på Ohlininstitutets hemsida.
Som talare återfinns bland andra migrationsminister Tobias Billström (M), europaparlamentariker Cecilia Wikström (FP), migrationsforskare Lucie Cerna (Leiden University Collage – Nederländerna) och bundestagsledamot Johannes Vogel (FDP – Tyskland).
För pressackreditering: Kontakta Gabriel Ehrling, 073-580 66 96 eller gabriel.ehrling@ohlininstitutet.se.
Thursday, October 4
09:30Bus tour through Malmö – a city built on migration and labour mobility
Johan Norberg, author
Per Svensson, author and journalist at Sydsvenska Dagbladet
Opening ceremony:
Pia Kinhult, First Governor Region of Skåne
Sofia Nerbrand, Chairman of the Bertil Ohlin Institute
Andreas Bergström, ELF Board member
Arrival at venue: Börshuset
13:00How has the current crises affected high-skilled immigration policies in the EU?
Lucie Cerna,Assistant Professor in Global Challenges (Political Economy) at Leiden University College, The Hague, Research Associate at the Centre on Migration,
Policy and Society (COMPAS)
14.00How can the EU attract highly qualified labour in the future?
Timo Kansil, Policy Adviser, D66 (The Netherlands)
Tove Lifvendahl, Senior Fellow, Fores
Cecilia Wikström, MEP, Folkpartiet liberalerna, Member of the European Parliamentary Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
15:30Coffee break
16:00 Why Sweden has the most liberal labour migration rules in the EU
Tobias Billström, Minister for Migration Policy, Moderaterna
Friday 5 October
9:00Re-thinking Germany – Liberal responses to the shortage of skilled labour
Johannes Vogel, MP, Free Democratic Party, Spokesman on Labour Policy (Germany)
10:00Coffee break
10:30A soft bigotry of low expectations?
Valley Leoni, researcher, Malmö högskola
Johan Hedin, Member of Parliament, Centerpartiet and spokesperson for migration and integration
13:00What can we learn from the Öresund region?
Per Tryding, Vice President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Daniel Persson, responsible for public affairs, the Öresund Committee
14:00-14:30 Closure
Conference venue is Börshuset, Skeppsbron 2 i Malmö (next to Malmö Central Station).