Handelshögskolans årliga Ohlinföreläsning
Ohlininstitutet anordnar varje år en föreläsning i Bertil Ohlins namn. Det gör även Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, som i år har bjudit in Timothy J Kehoe från University of Minnesota för att tala på temat “Modeling the Impact of Trade Liberalization”. Mer information finns i inbjudan nedan:
Welcome to the 2014 Ohlin lectures at the Stockholm School of Economics
Professor Timothy J. Kehoe
Modeling the Impact of Trade Liberalization
Wednesday, September 17 2014 at 15:30, room Torsten
Thursday, September 18 2014 at 15:30, room KAW
The Stockholm School of Economics arranges the annual Ohlin Lectures in order to honor the significant scientific achievements of Bertil Ohlin. This year’s lecturer is Timothy J. Kehoe, Distinguished McKnight University Professor at the University of Minnesota. Professor Kehoe is one of the world’s leading scholars in the field of international macroeconomics. His research and teaching center on the theory and application of general equilibrium models in macroeconomics and international trade.