Handelshögskolans Ohlinföreläsning
Bertil Ohlininstitutet bjuder varje år in en talare att hålla en föreläsning i Bertil Ohlins namn. Det gör även Handelshögskolan i Stockholm som i år har bjudit in Jonathan Eaton, professor vid Brown University. Föreläsningen är öppen för allmänheten. Se inbjudan här nedan:
The Stockholm School of Economics arranges the annual Ohlin Lectures in order to honor the
significant scientific achievements of Bertil Ohlin. This year’s lecturer is Jonathan Eaton, William R.
Rhodes Professor of International Economics at Brown University. Professor Eaton is one of the
world’s leading scholars in the field of international economics. His current work focuses on the
interaction of trade and technology, examining in particular the role of individual producers.
Previous work focused on strategic trade policy, international sanctions, and sovereign default.
Professor Eaton has been on the faculty at Princeton, Yale, the University of Virginia, Boston
University, New York University and Pennsylvania State University. He served as editor of the
Journal of International Economics from 2001 until 2009. In 2004 the Econometric Society awarded the
Frisch Medal to his paper “Technology, Geography, and Trade,” coauthored with Samuel Kortum
Wednesday, September 18 2013 at 15:30, room Ragnar: Statics
Thursday, September 19 2013 at 15:30, room KAW: Dynamics
Street naming ceremony
In conjunction with the Ohlin lecture of 2013, the street facing the new entrance to the Stockholm
School of Economics will be named in honor of Bertil Ohlin. During the naming ceremony a
number of speakers will present the work and life of Bertil Ohlin (the economist and statesman),
and the formal street naming will be made by Lotta Edholm (School Commissioner, City of
Stockholm). Light refreshments will be served towards the end of the ceremony.
Wednesday, September 18 2013 at 14:00, room Atrium
Karl-Olof Hammarkvist
Acting President of SSE
For those attending the street naming cermony, please RSVP to Pirjo.Furtenbach@hhs.se by
Monday, September 16 2013